After (ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S ASSASSINATION) 117 years,the US Congress 1867 U.S. law to banned the Vatican was repealed on January 10, 1984 by President Reagan...Within months of President Reagan’s inaugural in 1981, President Reagan moved quickly and on January 10, 1984, announced that full diplomatic relations between the United States and the Vatican had been established. The President did this over the opposition of the office of the Secretary of State. What a difference 32 years could make! In 1952 there were demonstrations and loud opposition. In 1984, there were few manifestations against the Vatican or Catholicism...One of those speaking strongly in favor of the Holy See role at the UN was the Hon. George W. Bush, then the Governor of Texas.
From the Council of American Ambassadors website: http://www.americanambassadors.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=Publications.article&articleid=44
WHO'S BEHIND ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S ASSASSINATION? http://holyromanempirerules.blogspot.com/2009/12/whos-behind-abraham-lincolns.html